Congrats on going paid, my friend! You deserve all the monies! What you bring here to this wonderful community is so powerful, inspiring, hopeful. I know you work so hard too (plus with your job and family responsibilities and kicking butt at D4 lol!). I'm excited to celebrate with you all your amazing milestones and read/view everything that follows.

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Hey Nadia,

You've been a real inspiration on Substack - especially the honesty and relationship you cultivate with your community. It means a lot to have your support - thank you so much.

Excited to share this journey with you and be part of your journey, too!

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D'aww, thank you for such sweet and touching words. You're a wonderful human and supporter of me and many others. It means a lot. So stoked for more brilliant work by you and to also play D4 together haha!

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It’s so easy to be supportive when the talent is this good 😊

Absolutely cannot wait for D4! I’ll send you the clan details on launch day.

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D'aww. Yay. Excited. Game, come faster!

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Lilith will consume all! 👹

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Frankly I wish I could play as Lilith. She seems badass.

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Let me ask them to unlock her on your bnet acc. ;)

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Thanks, I can't wait to cause chaos. Muahahah!

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By three they come... 😈

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May 18, 2023Liked by Taegan MacLean

Hey Taegan, saw this just before I closed my eyes before bed last night so didn't get a chance to comment.

Firstly, congratulations on carving a real niche for yourself with these One Word essays and videos. They're beyond brilliant.

Second, I'm glad that you feel this is a place to help express your grief. I think that's important.

And finally, I applaud your option to go paid with no paywall. I think that's the way to do it.

Take care my friend. I eagerly await the next installment and I'm excited to hear that this is just the first season!

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Hey Nathan!

Thanks so much for all the support this last month. It really helped me get an understanding of the overall story that I’ve developed these last six months.

I never expected I’d be comfortable or confident enough to explore grief to this extent. So far, that’s the biggest surprise with the community I’ve found here. It’s surreal.

I’m very grateful for your help and I’ve got your latest Part 2 in my saved list to be enjoyed this weekend!

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May 18, 2023Liked by Taegan MacLean

The thanks go all to you. I forgot to say thanks for the shoutout above, too. Discovering your Substack has been one of the best parts of being on this platform.

I think it's fascinating the things we can discover that emerge from writing that perhaps weren't obvious when pen was hitting page (or fingers keyboard). Having a community to express their own interpretations and feelings in essentially real-time is a real boon.

And thanks in advance for taking the time to read :)

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Congratulations on going paid and on leaning into the recurring guest. I look forward to the remaining 5 words of season 1 and interacting in the comments - your posts always generate such thoughtful discussions.

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Hey Liz!

Thank you so much. The recurring guest will have a major role in a few of the upcoming words. I'm not sure what to expect - all I can do is make the intention known and dive in to the creative exploration as it happens.

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May 18, 2023Liked by Taegan MacLean

Going paid is the way to go!

When I started my substack, I didn't realize there was a no-pay option, but I've kept everything free and open to everyone. The only things I offer paying subscribers are free ebooks of every book I publish.

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Thanks Edward!

I was terrified with the paid option for months - the idea of adding more content to offer just seemed impossible and not enjoyable. But writers like you and a few others that keep all content open really helped me make the move.

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What a gift it is to read your voice. It's very calming, very deep, very safe and simultaneously inspiring. I'll be back!

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Hey Journalisa,

That's very kind of you to say. Thanks so much. I'm finishing up the next doc, so keep an eye out this Wednesday morning.

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I like the way you're going about this and I wish you the best finding "paid" subs. It's not easy, I think they'll come with time. Ad-free is a huge sticking point - YouTube is burnt out and it's not exactly "free-speech" friendly. Part of being a writer/creator is writing and creating whatever you want. Have an excellent weekend Sir.

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Hey James,

Totally agree about YouTube. I put my first few docs on there and it felt... wrong somehow. The fact they can run ads on my content and I don't have the option to turn it off is brutal. That platform is a grind.

Also, big fan of yours. Love your video content!

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Yeah it's a strange platform - something so right yet feels so wrong. Gotta be the ads...

You're too kind - my videos are basically unplanned snowballs made from three day old side of the road snow. I enjoy the process of making videos very much - never put any thought into how they would get viewed. Haha! Brilliant plan as a hobby, not so good for a product.

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May 21, 2023Liked by Taegan MacLean

They were just doing their job as parents, divebombing the cat, Renob of weedom. Couple of "Dadas", a mockingbird, and another of undetermined species were shrieking and flying at our kittie who accompanied me out to the garden to move some more of our pepper plants into the ground.

It's a score for Taegan, causing his daughter's word to pop into my head during this melee.

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Best of luck, enjoyed the bits of your film work I’ve seen so far.

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Hey Willow,

Thank you! It's definitely a learning experience - hope to get better and better as I make new docs.

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May 19, 2023Liked by Taegan MacLean

Thank you so much for the shoutout, Taegan! I really appreciate it. :)

And glad to hear of the announcement to go paid! I'm loving seeing more people keep less behind paywalls and seeing where it takes them. This is a wonderful community to do it with, as you can see!

I didn't know you made a book list in Notes, so I definitely just restacked it!

And I'm so happy for you to have found a outlet that feels more whole for you as you explore grief and find ways to embrace it more (now that the time is right).

So glad to have found you! You're doing amazing work and I can't wait to read more! (Also, great reminder that there's a whole archive to explore!)

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Hey Cierra,

Thanks so much for the support. I honestly could not have planned this first year on Substack to go any better. The fact I can explore these old feelings of grief here AND jump into filmmaking is... unbelievable.

Hopefully in June or July I'll have time to finish up the audio versions of the written words - I've started them but the video work has taken over for now!

Anyways, thanks again Cierra and looking forward to seeing more of your writing!

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May 22, 2023Liked by Taegan MacLean

Oh of course! I'm happy for you to be able to explore so much in so many ways that fulfill you! And do what you can, when ya can! Excited also for you to be able to take a break :D

And thank you, again, for being so supportive!

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Of course Cierra! I look forward to seeing you evolve as a writer. That’s what makes this platform so special.

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Thank you so so much! And *very* true; this has been such a great place to be.

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Congratulations on going paid! You are a wonderful writer and poet... and now film maker! Cheers to you! Keep up the great work!

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Hey Celia,

Thanks so, so much. Your support these past months has been tremendous. I still can't believe I'm technically a film maker now and that there's another documentary on the way at the end of the month. Pinch me!

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One Word. Actually, two words! Excellent choice. Let's spread the word. You deserve it. Looking forward to the rest of the season.

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Thank you Alexander for all the support. It's been humbling!

I can't wait to release the rest of the season. Nervous, but excited.

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Nervous|Excited. Same thing (chemically speaking). Tell your brain you're excited x 2.

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Nice one, Taegan. I opted to use this type of paid approach as well a little while ago. Really hope it works for you!

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Thank you Wil.

This patron-style approach is the only way I could fathom going paid. Hope it works out for you, too!

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Congrats, Taegan! I'm inspired by your approach, engagement and work quality. YOU GOT THIS.

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Hey Miter,

Thank you! The engagement part does take some time, but it's so, so worth it. The direction of the project has evolved thanks to people watching and sharing their opinions. I didn't really expect it, but I'm very appreciative.

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deletedMay 19, 2023Liked by Taegan MacLean
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Thank you Lynn. I didn’t know you made a film! - anywhere I can see it?

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deletedMay 19, 2023Liked by Taegan MacLean
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The trailer is so good! I'll watch this on the weekend

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