I do so love your particular way of film making, Taegan. There’s such a peacefulness to it. It’s so beautiful that you & Stace will be able to share these with Atlas and bubba #2 someday. It means a lot to be able to see them, even as someone who knows you so peripherally. So, utmost respect for your choosing to create the stories that best nourish your family and your inner world. I trust that the stories be honest and beautiful and, as such, will benefit the outer world, too. Thinking of you guys in the waiting. Love to Steve.

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Thank you Chloe. I never think too much about my way of making films (too worried about getting neurotic about style, you know) but that is bang on. I think moving from my first batch of films to this new path, I've been thinking a lot about creating this open space in the film and leaning into the image.

We've got a c-section planned for early next week. Fingers crossed. These transitional moments in life are so darn delicate, so your words here are very much appreciated.

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The beauty of this…oh man, Taegan. This video feels like a moving painting. It leaves me with the sweetest lump in my throat. You and Stace are drawing such a gorgeous map —together—one that will lead you and the children exactly where you need to go this year. Throughout our homeschooling years, I’ve been friends with numerous families with stay-at-home dads. You and Stace seem to have all the qualities of the most joyful parents. It's so simple really. Your mutual sacrifice and humble gratitude-- for the opportunity to be more present to each other and the children--will make all the difference.

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Hey Ann,

Your encouragement is very appreciated, especially in these finals days before baby #2 arrives. We're full of excitement and also stress (!) but you and others here and really made a difference in offering some much needed perspective and encouragement.

I really do hope that every film I make I push myself to improve as a filmmaker, so it's also very kind of you to speak of the visuals. This was my first time challenging myself to take the time to think about composition and using some new tools to make it happen. I know it'll only get better from here. Thanks again Ann

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I think the hardest transition for us was going from one to two kids. Our two older boys are 18 months apart and I couldn't take paternity leave because I had just switched jobs, so it was rough. We the other two I was able to be at home for six weeks which was such a gift. I think it's great for you and your family that you can take that much time off to bond with your baby girl, even with the anxiety that may come from wondering if you have what it takes to be a good father to both of them. I can identify with that feeling of thinking "do I have what it takes?" Advice you didn't ask for: operate from a mindset of abundance, don't be afraid to empty yourself. Sow those seeds now even though you may not see the fruit later.

This was a really sweet and intimate episode, thank you for sharing it with us, and I hope everything goes well with Stace's last days of pregnancy and delivery. God bless!

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Hey Walther,

I've heard that from a few fathers - that the 1 to 2 transition can be rough. But I'm hoping, like you said, the time off will help balance that out. I do know my daughter is looking forward to having a sister. She really has that big sis energy so I'm very thankful to be going down this path as a family.

Also, I've been thinking about your advice all day and just wanted to say thank you. I do believe some of my worries are of thinking I won't have enough (time, love, patience, etc) and I have noticed that even considering your advice there is a change on the horizon for me when it comes to how I act in the world and giving myself fully to the time with family.

So... yeah. Appreciate you!

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All the feels. Your journey reminds me of my own as well. Our partners have sacrificed so much. It’s a beauty to de you recognize and proclaim your love and appreciation for not only what she’s done but for who she is. Tell her some stranger on the internet said she’s doing an amazing job being her.

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Haha - she knows your work, actually! We're big fans in this house of your letters. And yeah, I totally agree. Like when you gave the space for your partner to write a letter a part of the project, I saw that and knew instantly that you understand that sacrifice. They deserve all we have to give back and so much more.

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Super intimate piece, Taegan. Thanks for the glimpse into your mind and your new world.

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Thank you Brian. Hope you and the fam are having a good summer

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"I'm terrified I'll mismanage my time." Woof. I feel that. But trust yourself — and also trust that every moment you spend with that baby will be worth more than anything else you'll do.

Congrats to you and Stacy - y'all are going to be great, in large part because you have a reciprocal understanding of the sacrifice. Beautiful. Turn toward each other through all of this.

Also, this music is so good.

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And yeah I feel like you'd vibe with Kilometre Club's work. Lots of space inside his stuff for thoughts, so just as with your music I often have his stuff on when I'm writing or need to go for a walk and clear my head. Your music and his are like... cousins to me... not sure that's the right analogy but hopefully you know what I mean LOL

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Casual yet highly detailed - well down Sir - keep loving and living ONE second at a time - all the best to you and your ladies 🙏🏼

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Hey James,

Thank you sir for the well wishes. Nervous about the coming baby-pocalypse but also very much looking forward to the shake up

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This is beautiful and deeply moving. In no particular order:

1- OKAY I TAKE IT BACK the music at the beginning I must have, I'll be looking up kilometer club asap. You talked to Brian Funke about liking ambient music--your selections for these videos have been *chefs kiss*.

2- Your selection of shots are amazing. You make Toronto seem like a magical/sci-fi futurescape. I love the leaning tower behind you near the beginning, and that closing shot was beautiful. There's a strange irony also in the fact that the garage in the suburbs closed on another house, and your garage in the city opened to GREEN. I really liked that. Anywhere there's green is good.

3- I'm a big believer in multigenerational households, and I think it's amazing that you have the opportunity to give that a go. Good for you guys, what an exciting time for all of you. New and different--yet safe and familiar. The elements required for evolution. You're incubating something great here.

4- Anxious waiting for #2. Good luck, God bless. I know it's weird to say "enjoy" when there's so much anxiety and stress around welcoming a child into the world, but seriously--you'd miss it if you couldn't experience it.

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Oof, each one of these is literally gold.

1. So that song is one of my favourites from Kilometre Club, too. It was a last minute addition but it really added something to the beginning. It's called "I can still feel the heart of the lake" - https://music.apple.com/ca/album/i-can-still-feel-the-heart-of-the-lake/1639459924?i=1639459926

2. Toronto has so many angles and vibes, but in the last decade they've really built up the condo market and that sci-fi vibe is coming through a lot more recently. Also, I love that you mentioned GREEN. I hadn't thought of that but it's wonderful and I totally agree.

3. Thank you, thank you. The real estate market here is insane. Top 3 most expensive in the world. So the Multi-gen living was a choice we made out of necessity, but I believe God pushed us in this direction because -- yes, totally -- it's an incubation for something great.

4. I know what you mean. For something that happens millions of times a day around the world, I am amazed how anxious the moment to moment on the individual level feels. But I agree. I wouldn't change this moment for anything in the world. It's shaping us every second of every day.

Your reply made my day. Thanks for taking the time Scoot, seriously.

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i love your work

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Hey Marty - thank you! We should get in touch. Want me to send you a DM on substack or email? up to you amigo.

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email please


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Such a touching dedication. I wish you all to settle down and become one with each other in harmony, peace, joy, and strength. It is difficult to live in a three generation household, but not impossible. In some cultures it's actually common and takes away so much of the burden when every family members carries the load.

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Echoing Chloe's words. How special that both of your children will be able to witness this moment in later years. You're so open in your sharing and thoughts, it's a beautiful thing to see.

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Thank you Lynn! That's really kind of you to say. I hope they agree when they hit their teenage years (eek!)

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